video popup test

I drop the MOVIEWATCHINGPLACE [video_popup url=”″ text=”theater” auto=””]into the middle of the sentence.

[video_popup url=”″ text=”⛽” auto=””][video_popup url=”″ text=”🐸” auto=””][video_popup url=”″ text=”🐶” auto=””][video_popup url=”″ text=”🐮” auto=””][video_popup url=”″ text=”🐗” auto=””][video_popup url=”″ text=”🚆” auto=””][video_popup url=”″ text=”🐑” auto=””][video_popup url=”″ text=”🐽” auto=””][video_popup url=”″ text=”🐷” auto=””][video_popup url=”″ text=”⛽” auto=””][video_popup url=”″ text=”🐁” auto=””][video_popup url=”″ text=”🐸” auto=””][video_popup url=”″ text=”⛽” auto=””][video_popup url=”″ text=”🍓” auto=””][video_popup url=”″ text=”🐴” auto=””][video_popup url=”″ text=”ℹ️” auto=””]

and keep it flowing

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